6.5840 2023 Lecture 12: Distributed Transactions Topics: distributed transactions = concurrency control + atomic commit where are we in the course? so far, mostly distribution for fault tolerance multiple servers trying to look like one reliable server now, many servers for performance split the data up (shard) over multiple servers, for parallelism fine as long as clients use data items one at a time what if application operation involves records in different shards? failures? atomicity? important problem, we'll see a number of approaches examples [diagram: clients, servers, data sharded by key] client application actions often involve multiple reads and writes bank transfer: debit and credit install bi-directional links in a social graph insert new record, add to index we'd like to hide interleaving and failure from application writers this is an old problem in databases the traditional solution: transactions programmer marks beginning/end of sequences of code as transactions the system automatically provides good behavior example transactions x and y are bank balances -- records in database tables both start out as $10 T1 and T2 are transactions T1: transfer $1 from x to y T2: audit, to find the total amount of money in the bank T1: T2: BEGIN-X BEGIN-X add(x, 1) tmp1 = get(x) add(y, -1) tmp2 = get(y) END-X print tmp1, tmp2 END-X what is correct behavior for a transaction? usually called "ACID" Atomic -- all writes or none, despite failures Consistent -- obeys application-specific invariants Isolated -- no interference between xactions -- serializable Durable -- committed writes are permanent ACID transactions are magic! programmer writes straightforward serial code system automatically adds correct locking! system automatically adds fault tolerance! of course we need to implement this magic a note on trends some storage systems provide transactions, some don't some applications benefit a lot from transactions, some don't SQL databases provide transactions but transactions are slow, particularly for sharded data so for a while simple key/value stores gained popularity just put and get on single records but transactions are coming back today: ACID for distributed transactions with data sharded over multiple servers What does serializable mean? you execute some concurrent transactions, which yield results "results" means both output and changes in the DB the results are serializable if: there exists a serial execution order of the transactions that yields the same results as the actual execution (serial means one at a time -- no parallel execution) (this definition should remind you of linearizability) You can test whether an execution's result is serializable by looking for an order that yields the same results. for our example, the possible serial orders are T1; T2 T2; T1 so the correct (serializable) results are: T1; T2 : x=11 y=9 "11,9" T2; T1 : x=11 y=9 "10,10" the results for the two differ; either is OK no other result is OK the implementation might have executed T1 and T2 in parallel but it must still yield results as if in a serial order what if T1's operations run entirely between T2's two get()s? would the result be serializable? T2 would print 10,9 but 10,9 is not one of the two serializable results! what if T2 runs entirely between T1's two adds()s? T2 would print 11,10 but 11,10 is not one of the two serializable results! what if x's server does the increment but y's server can't? x=11 y=10 is not one of the serializable results! a transaction can "abort" if something goes wrong an abort un-does any modifications the transaction might voluntarily abort, e.g. if the account doesn't exist, or y's balance is <= 0 the system may force an abort, e.g. to break a locking deadlock server failure can result in abort result of abort should be as if entire xaction never executed!!! must un-do, or not apply, all updates the application might (or might not) try the transaction again distributed transactions have two big components: concurrency control (to provide isolation/serializability) atomic commit (to provide atomicity despite failure) first, concurrency control isolated/serializable execution of concurrent transactions for now, on a single DB server (not distributed) two classes of concurrency control for transactions: pessimistic: lock records before use conflicts cause delays (waiting for locks) optimistic: use records without locking commit checks if reads/writes were serializable conflict causes abort+retry called Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) pessimistic is faster if conflicts are frequent optimistic is faster if conflicts are rare today: pessimistic concurrency control in a few weeks: optimistic concurrency control (FaRM) "Two-phase locking" is one way to implement serializability 2PL rules: a transaction must acquire a record's lock before using it a transaction must hold its locks until *after* commit or abort 2PL for our example suppose T1 and T2 start at the same time the transaction system automatically acquires locks as needed so first of T1/T2 to use x will get the lock the other waits until the first completely finishes this prohibits the non-serializable interleavings details: each database record has a lock an executing transaction acquires locks as needed, at the first use add() and get() implicitly acquires record's lock END-X() releases all locks all locks are exclusive (for this discussion, no reader/writer locks) the full name is "strong strict two-phase locking" related to thread locking (e.g. Go's Mutex), but: programmer doesn't explicitly lock programmer supplies BEGIN-X/END-X DB locks automatically, on first use of each record DB unlocks automatically, at transaction end DB may automatically abort to cure deadlock Why hold locks until after commit/abort? why not release as soon as done with the record? example of a resulting problem: suppose T2 releases x's lock after get(x) T1 could then execute between T2's get()s T2 would print 10,9 not a serializable execution: neither T1;T2 nor T2;T1 Two-phase locking can produce deadlock, e.g. T1 T2 get(x) get(y) get(y) get(x) The system must detect (cycles? timeout?) and abort a transaction Could 2PL ever forbid a correct (serializable) execution? yes; example: T1 T2 get(x) get(x) put(x,2) put(x,1) locking would forbid this interleaving but the result (x=1) is serializable (same as T2;T1) The Question: describe a situation where Two-Phase Locking yields higher performance than Simple Locking. Simple locking: lock *every* record before *any* use; release after abort/commit. Next topic: distributed transactions versus failures how can distributed transactions cope with failures? suppose, for our example, x and y are on different "worker" servers suppose x's server adds 1, but y's crashes before subtracting? or x's server adds 1, but y's realizes the account doesn't exist? or x and y both can do their part, but aren't sure if the other will? it's a hard problem! We want "atomic commit": A bunch of computers are cooperating on some task Each computer has a different role We want atomicity: all execute, or none execute Challenges: failures, performance We're going to look at a protocol called "two-phase commit" Used by distributed databases for multi-server transactions The setting Data is sharded among multiple servers Transactions run on "transaction coordinators" (TCs) For each read/write, TC sends RPC to relevant shard server Each is a "participant" Each participant manages locks for its shard of the data There may be many concurrent transactions, many TCs TC assigns unique transaction ID (TID) to each transaction Every message, every piece of xaction state tagged with TID To avoid confusion Two-phase commit without failures: [time diagram: TC, A, B] TC sends put(), get(), &c RPCs to A, B A and B lock records. Modifications are tentative, on a copy, only installed if commit. TC gets to the end of the transaction. TC sends PREPARE messages to A and B. If A is able to commit, A responds YES. then A is in "prepared" state. otherwise, A responds NO. Same for B. If both A and B said YES, TC sends COMMIT messages to A and B. If either A or B said NO, TC sends ABORT messages. A/B commit if they get a COMMIT message from the TC. I.e. they copy tentative records to the real DB. And release the transaction's locks on their records. A/B acknowledge COMMIT message. Why is this correct so far? Neither A or B can commit unless they both agreed. What if B crashes and restarts? If B sent YES before crash, B must remember (despite crash)! Because A might have received a COMMIT and committed. So B must be able to commit (or not) even after a reboot. Thus participants must write persistent (on-disk) state: B must remember on disk before saying YES, including modified data. If B reboots, and disk says YES but didn't receive COMMIT from TC, B must ask TC, or wait for TC to re-send. And meanwhile, B must continue to hold the transaction's locks. If TC says COMMIT, B copies modified data to real data. What if TC crashes and restarts? If TC might have sent COMMIT before crash, TC must remember! Since one worker may already have committed. Thus TC must write COMMIT to disk before sending COMMIT msgs. And repeat COMMIT if it crashes and reboots, or if a participant asks (i.e. if A/B didn't get COMMIT msg). Participants must filter out duplicate COMMITs (using TID). What if TC never gets a YES/NO from B? Perhaps B crashed and didn't recover; perhaps network is broken. TC can time out, and abort (since has not sent any COMMIT msgs). Good: allows servers to release locks. What if B times out or crashes while waiting for PREPARE from TC? B has not yet responded to PREPARE, so TC can't have decided commit so B can unilaterally abort, and release locks respond NO to future PREPARE What if B replied YES to PREPARE, but doesn't receive COMMIT or ABORT? Can B unilaterally decide to abort? No! TC might have gotten YES from both, and sent out COMMIT to A, but crashed before sending to B. So then A would commit and B would abort: incorrect. B can't unilaterally commit, either: A might have voted NO. So: if B voted YES, it must "block": wait for TC decision. When can TC completely forget about a committed transaction? If it sees an acknowledgement from every participant for the COMMIT. Then no participant will ever need to ask again. When can participant completely forget about a committed transaction? After it acknowledges the TC's COMMIT message. If it gets another COMMIT, and has no record of the transaction, it must have already committed and forgotten, and can acknowledge (again). Two-phase commit perspective Used in sharded DBs when a transaction uses data on multiple shards But it has a bad reputation: slow: multiple rounds of messages slow: disk writes locks are held over the prepare/commit exchanges; blocks other xactions TC crash can cause indefinite blocking, WITH LOCKS HELD Thus usually used only in a single small domain E.g. not between banks, not between airlines, not over wide area Faster distributed transactions are an active research area. Raft and two-phase commit solve different problems! Use Raft to get high availability by replicating i.e. to be able to operate when some servers are crashed the servers all do the *same* thing Use 2PC when each participant does something different And *all* of them must do their part 2PC does not help availability since all servers must be up to get anything done Raft does not ensure that all servers do something since only a majority have to be alive What if you want high availability *and* atomic commit? Here's one plan. [diagram] The TC and servers should each be replicated with Raft Run two-phase commit among the replicated services Then you can tolerate failures and still make progress You'll build something like this to transfer shards in Lab 4 Spanner uses this arrangement (we'll read in a few weeks) --- http://dbmsmusings.blogspot.com/2019/01/its-time-to-move-on-from-two-phase.html