6.5840 2023 Lecture 5: Raft (1) this lecture today: Majority rule and Raft elections (Lab 2A) next: Raft persistence, client behavior, snapshots (Lab 2B, 2C, 2D) a pattern in the fault-tolerant systems we've seen * MR replicates computation but relies on a single master to organize * GFS replicates data but relies on the master to pick primaries * VMware FT replicates service but relies on test-and-set to pick primary all rely on a single entity to make critical decisions nice: decisions by a single entity avoid split brain it's easy to make a single entity always agree with itself how can we make e.g. a fault-tolerant test-and-set service? we need replication how about two servers, S1 and S2 if both are up, S1 is in charge, forwards decisions to S2 if S2 sees S1 is down, S2 takes over as sole test-and-set server what could go wrong? network partition! split brain! the problem: computers cannot distinguish "server crashed" from "network broken" the symptom is the same: no response to a query over the network this difficulty seemed insurmountable for a long time seemed to require outside agent (a human) to decide when to switch servers we'd prefer an automated scheme! the big insight for coping w/ partition: majority vote have an odd number of servers, e.g. 3 agreement from a majority is required to do anything -- 2 out of 3 if no majority, wait why does majority help avoid split brain? at most one partition can have a majority breaks the symmetry we saw with just two servers note: majority is out of all servers, not just out of live ones note: proceed after acquiring majority don't wait for more since they may be dead more generally 2f+1 can tolerate f failed servers since the remaining f+1 is a majority of 2f+1 if more than f fail (or can't be contacted), no progress often called "quorum" systems a key property of majorities is that any two intersect servers in the intersection can convey information about previous decisions e.g. another Raft leader has already been elected for this term Two partition-tolerant replication schemes were invented around 1990, Paxos and View-Stamped Replication called "consensus" or "agreement" protocols in the last 15 years this technology has seen a lot of real-world use the Raft paper is a good introduction to modern techniques *** topic: Raft overview state machine replication with Raft -- Lab 3 as example: [diagram: clients, 3 replicas, k/v layer + state, raft layer + logs] Raft is a library included in each replica time diagram of one client command [C, L, F1, F2] client sends Put/Get "command" to k/v layer in leader k/v layer calls Start() to invoke Raft leader's Raft layer adds command to log leader sends AppendEntries RPCs to followers followers add command to log leader waits for replies from a bare majority (including itself) entry is "committed" if a majority put it in their logs committed means won't be forgotten even if failures majority -> will be seen by the next leader's vote requests leader "piggybacks" commit info in next AppendEntries leader and follower hand commands to k/v layer once entry is committed ApplyMsg and applyCh in lab leader sends response to client why the logs? the service keeps the state machine state, e.g. key/value DB the log is an alternate representation of the same information! why both? the log orders the commands to help replicas agree on a single execution order to help the leader ensure followers have identical logs the log stores tentative commands until committed the log stores commands in case leader must re-send to followers the log stores commands persistently for replay after reboot are the servers' logs exact replicas of each other? no: some replicas may lag no: we'll see that they can temporarily have different entries the good news: they'll eventually converge to be identical the commit mechanism ensures servers only execute stable entries Implementation challenges: Failures network partitions, lost messages, server crashes Concurrency within a server and between servers Result: many possible executions and many corner cases many details to work -- figure 2 Today: electing a new leader, which must handle these challenges *** topic: leader election (Lab 2A) why a leader? ensures all replicas execute the same commands, in the same order (some designs, e.g. Paxos, don't have a leader) Raft numbers the sequence of leaders new leader -> new term a term has at most one leader; might have no leader the numbering helps servers follow latest leader, not superseded leader when does a Raft peer start a leader election? when it doesn't hear from current leader for an "election timeout" increments local currentTerm, tries to collect votes note: this can lead to un-needed elections; that's slow but safe note: old leader may still be alive and think it is the leader how to ensure at most one leader in a term? (Figure 2 RequestVote RPC and Rules for Servers) leader must get "yes" votes from a majority of servers each server can cast only one vote per term if candidate, votes for itself if not a candidate, votes for first that asks (within Figure 2 rules) at most one server can get majority of votes for a given term -> at most one leader even if network partition -> election can succeed even if some servers have failed note: again, majority is out of all servers (not just the live servers) how does a server learn about a newly elected leader? the leader sends out AppendEntries heart-beats with the new higher term number only the leader sends AppendEntries only one leader per term so if you see AppendEntries with term T, you know who the leader for T is the heart-beats suppress any new election leader must send heart-beats more often than the election timeout an election may not succeed for two reasons: * less than a majority of servers are reachable * simultaneous candidates split the vote, none gets majority what happens if an election doesn't succeed? no heartbeats -> another timeout -> a new election for a new term higher term takes precedence, candidates for older terms quit without special care, elections will often fail due to split vote all election timers likely to go off at around the same time every candidate votes for itself so no-one will vote for anyone else! so everyone will get exactly one vote, no-one will have a majority how does Raft avoid split votes? each server adds some randomness to its election timeout period [diagram of times at which servers' timeouts expire] randomness breaks symmetry among the servers one will choose lowest random delay hopefully enough time to elect before next timeout expires others will see new leader's AppendEntries heartbeats and not become candidates randomized delays are a common pattern in network protocols how to choose the election timeout? * at least a few heartbeat intervals (in case network drops a heartbeat) to avoid needless elections, which waste time * random part long enough to let one candidate succeed before next starts * short enough to react quickly to failure, avoid long pauses * short enough to allow a few re-tries before tester gets upset tester requires election to complete in 5 seconds or less what if old leader isn't aware a new leader is elected? perhaps old leader didn't see election messages perhaps old leader is in a minority network partition new leader means a majority of servers have incremented currentTerm either old leader will see new term in a AppendEntries reply and step down or old leader won't be able to get a majority of replies so old leader won't commit or execute any new log entries thus no split brain but a minority may accept old server's AppendEntries so logs may diverge at end of old term --- Raft vs. Paxos: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3293611.3331595