6.824 2022 Lecture 21: Ethereum (2014) topic: programmable blockchains for decentralized applications old: centralized app example apps: financial exchange, DNS/PKI, casino frontend (client) <-> backend (service), written by app operator disadvantage: have to trust app author / service operator what can go wrong: malicious operator, compromised operator financial exchange: e.g. front-running DNS: e.g. compromised domain casino: e.g. increasing house edge can't tell if backend is running honestly can run different code altogether, manipulate database contents directly, ... demo: coin flip casino mental game new: decentralized (trust-less) app goal: reduced trust or no trust in site operator replace backend with some trust-less (decentralized?) service could imagine using bespoke solutions e.g. casino: signed commitments before bets are placed ambitious goal: support large class of apps in a general-purpose and easy-to-program way cloud -> new compute layer for decentralized apps how might this work? "world computer" behaves like single shared machine security / single source of truth open participation offers compute + storage anyone can load programs onto it all state is public built-in currency system: to pay for compute, etc. demo: what is the interface to the world computer? smart contracts ~= programs neither smart, nor contracts (in the legal sense) billboard example (1_Billboard.sol) remix ide write programs in high-level language (solidity) smart contracts are instances of programs, with state and methods state machines contract's state includes its balance compile and deploy programs at an address externally-owned accounts can call programs' methods, send value not on real network yet: in-memory vm casino example (2_Casino.sol) deploy on real (testnet) ethereum network anyone can interact with its methods remix ide (web app) interacts with metamask (wallet app / browser extension) etherscan ethereum implemented on top of POW blockchain, batching txns into blocks 6.824 picture: replicated state machine on top of a shared log world computer implemented as replicated state machine meta state machine where you can load and run programs state of world computer address -> | externally owned account { balance } | contract account { balance, code, state } transition function tx := | deploy contract (code, value) | message (address, method, data, value) semantics deploy contract takes contract code chooses a fresh address and makes contract code available at that address initializes state to initial values sets balance to initial value runs constructor returns address message takes address, method, data, value looks up address: if externally-owned account, just transfers value looks up code, looks up method adds value to contract's balance runs method with data given as an argument, starting from the initial state produces a new state EVM: low-level language to support smart contracts many HLLs that compile to EVM Turing-complete -> gas run out of gas -> transaction abort applications of smart contracts ethereum name service (ENS) like blockstack ERC20 tokens basically, bank (~ bitcoin) state machine as a smart contract issue tokens track balances for every user trade tokens examples stock: initial sale via auction, pays dividends to token holders, token holders can vote asset-backed tokens (e.g. USDC), eases international finance rewards programs (e.g. airline miles) DeFi, decentralized exchanges trade ERC20 tokens decentralized governance (DAOs) decentralized investment fund, group votes on what to invest in dapps in practice: bridging ethereum and web apps usually, a portion of an app is implemented using smart contracts still use backend compute running on standard cloud advanced smart contracts: complexities in the programming model (not a complete list) some things we haven't seen in the demos contracts can call other contracts' methods (and send ether) optionally with a gas limit create other contracts try/catch emergent complexity what if you run out of gas in the middle of executing a contract? transaction abort: writes reverted and leftover gas refunded what if you call another contract, and that runs out of gas? entire transaction aborts: all state changes reverted what happens if your contract encounters an error (e.g. div by zero)? transaction abort, state reverted what happens if a callee contract encounters an error? same thing: transaction abort, error bubbles up try/catch on error, only callee's changes are reverted working around immutability contracts can call other contracts contracts can "indirect branch", e.g. call(address=storage[0]) mutating storage can change code that contract runs oracles limitations + has ethereum lived up to its vision limited compute capacity limited storage capacity no secret data deterministic; "randomness" under control of miners transactions are public before they are executed: front-running transactions need for oracles to interact with data outside system "code is law", immutable code, irreversible transactions: not always a good thing DAO incident, hard fork, ETH vs ETC not so easy to program bugs https://rekt.news/ new programming model and environment, sometimes unintuitive semantics e.g. funds transfer is a message, contracts can "implement" a handler for this message e.g. reentrancy vulnerability, exploited in many real-world attacks Withdraw(): sender.transfer(balance[sender]) balance[sender] = 0 hostile and poorly-understood programming environment, e.g. flash loans trustless loans (within a single transaction) implemented using callbacks and careful programming with try/catch Q: where do contracts execute? A: on all full nodes, any miner producing a new block or validating a block executes the transactions Q: how do you choose a gas price? A: based on network congestion, tools to help like https://ethgasstation.info/ Q: how do you choose a gas limit? A: wallets can help estimate gas cost (e.g. how much gas do you need to run the transaction given the current state of the system)